SPOKE presents the 33rd annual World Aids Day Vigil
December 1, 2024

End HIV Stigma!
Sponsor The Names Project/AIDS Memorial Quilt
Sponsor an section of the
Names Project/AIDS Memorial Quilt for $250.00

Scan the QR Code to become a Sponsor for a section of the Names Project/Aids Memorial Quilt or click the red button to help support SPOKE by making a donation
Midnight to Midnight
Join us for all or part of the 24-hour vigil on
December 1st at the Boston Center for the Arts
March to end HIV Stigma
11:00 AM: Gather at Boston City Hall Plaza
NOON: March to Boston Center for the Arts to end HIV Stigma
1:00 PM: Welcome and opening remarks at Vigil
We invite you to contribute your voice by writing a story, message, or personal reflection on a 25-footlong red ribbon. Your words will become part of a beautiful installation that symbolizes hope,
solidarity, and compassion.

Workshops are do it yourself with a kit provided by SPOKE or facilitated by one of our staff. For
either contact us at: rdinsmore@spokeart.org or mdowling@spokeart.org
Whether it’s a personal experience, a message of hope, or a call to action, your words will help
foster understanding and compassion within the community.
Return your completed ribbons to us by November 18th. Your contributions will then be
included as part of stunning installation that will be on view for all to see.
We will provide kits and instructions for you and/or your group
Add a name or photo of a loved one to be engraved on a black beach stone to be part of the
installation. Photos and names should be emailed to rdinsmore@spokeart.org
Each participant will receive a stoned engraved with END HIV STIGMA